iRest® - Yoga Nidra

Integrative Restoration – iRest®

Integrative Restoration (iRest®) is a transformative practice derived from the ancient teachings of meditation that leads to psychological, physical, and spiritual healing. iRest® teaches skills that you can use throughout your life, that assist you in experiencing a sense of mastery when encountering difficult situations and a sense of ease that pervades your everyday life.

The purpose of iRest® is to help you live a contented life free of conflict, anxiety, fear and dissatisfaction. The protocol is (1) integrative in that it heals the various unresolved issues, traumas, and wounds that are present in the body, mind and senses; and (2) restorative in that it aids its practitioners in recognizing their underlying peace of mind that is always present amidst all changing circumstances of life.

iRest® accomplishes its goal through two basic steps:

  1. 1.The recognition of an intrinsic sense of peace during all circumstances, and

2. The release of negative body sensations, emotions, beliefs, and stress that give rise to self-destructive patterns.

iRest® is composed of ten components:

Development of Intention

Body sensitivity training

Breath and energy awareness

Systematic neutralization of:

Negative body sensations and stress

Negative feelings and emotions,

Negative beliefs, images, and memories

The experience of joy and well-being

Freedom from the sense of separation generated by the senses and mind

  1. The ability to experience peace amidst the changing circumstances of life

In 2006, the Department of Defense conducted research on the iRest® protocol at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) with active duty soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who were experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Following the study the Deployment Health Clinical Center (DHCC) at WRAMC integrated iRest® as a 3-week intensive treatment program for service members. iRest® classes have subsequently been set up at VA facilities in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Washington, DC, North Carolina, California, and Colorado, among others.

Successful studies have also been conducted at the COTS homeless shelter in California, the University of Missouri with college students, with chemical dependency relapse prevention in New York, compassionate care fatigue at Brooke Army Medical Center, and stress in people experiencing cancer or multiple sclerosis.

Further research is underway studying iRest® with PTSD at the North Chicago VA, with traumatic brain injury and chronic pain, and with resiliency in military couples at Brooke Army Medical Center.

Participants who are using the iRest® protocol report:

Decreased insomnia

Reduced PTSD, depression, anxiety and fear

Decreased perception of chronic and acute pain

Improved sleep patterns

Improved interpersonal relations

Increased comfort with situations they could not control, and paradoxically an

  1. Increased sense of control in their lives

iRest®, which has been developed over the past thirty-six years by Richard Miller, PhD, a clinical psychologist, is uniquely suitable for Westerners. The iRest® protocol has been taught to thousand individuals in classes, retreats and individual sessions throughout North America. Current research projects and programs in development or currently in place utilizing iRest include:

Treatment with Active Duty Service Members Experiencing PTSD

Resiliency Programs for Service Members and their Families

Treatment of Veterans

The Homeless, Including Adults, Families and Children

Chemical Dependency and Relapse Prevention

Sleep Disorders

Chronic Pain

Multiple Sclerosis

The Well-Being of College Students and Children

Adolescents at Risk

Incarcerated Individuals Including Men and Women

Infertility Issues

Emotional and Cognitive Health and Well-being of Children

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Integrative Restoration

Stage 3
Inner Resourse
Integrative Restoration

Stage 2
Heartfelt Desire
Integrative Restoration

Stage 6
Feelings & Emotions
Integrative Restoration

Stage I
Setting Our Intension
Integrative Restoration

Stage 3
Inner Resourse
Integrative Restoration

Stage 2
Heartfelt Desire
Integrative Restoration

Stage I
Setting Our Intension
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